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One of the most common forms of interactive media online is through CGI programming. Most CGI is written in PERL and serves many purposes, such as form processing, hit/access counting, questionnaires, guestbook's and so much more. This section will give you some direction on how to execute your CGI. If you need to learn more on what CGI is and how to use it, see our Learn More section below.

(Common Gateway Interface)

Where do I put my CGI scripts?
CGI scripts can be placed anywhere within the bounds of your web directory. They are recognized by the web server to be globally executable. Many individuals choose to put CGI, in a directory in web called a cgi-bin. This directory is easily created by using the MKDIR command in telnet, or selecting add a directory in your FTP client. You can however name it anything you like.

What is the path to perl?

What is the path to sendmail?

What is the server path to my web directory?

What is the server path to TCL?

What is the server path to Python?

What is the server path to C++?

What is the server path to G++?

I get a permissions error when executing my CGI program, what should they be set at?
CGI Scripts: chmod 755
Data Files: chmod 664

Can I disable CGI Wrapper from my CGI Scripts?
Yes.  Merely change the line to PERL to the following:

/usr/bin/perl --

How can I test my scripts?
Login to the telnet shell and go to he directory holding your scripts. Here you will need to type the following command:
perl scriptname.cgi

My script needs a Crontab.  What is Crontab and do you support it?
A crontab file contains instructions to the cron daemon of the general form: ``run this command at this time on this date''. Each user has their own crontab, and commands in any given crontab will be executed as the user who owns the crontab.

Yes we do support crontab.

How do I structure a Crontab?
A crontab file can be created with any name you wish.  Just create a file in an editor.  A cronjob file will generally look like the following:

* * * * *  /home/sites123/

The five fields in order from left to right are as follows:

minute (0-59),
hour (0-23),
day of the month (1-31),
month of the year (1-12),
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).

The last field is the command to execute.  So the following would execute at 30 minutes after 4 PM on Fridays:

30 15 * * 5 /home/sites123/

How do I send a Crontab to the Cron Server?
crontab cronfile_name

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