Can I setup a mailing list?
Yes, mailing lists are a part of every Web Hosting Sizzle Account.
How do I setup a mailing list?
From your control panel select 'List Management' in the upper left portion of the sidebar. Select 'Add Mailing List'. Enter a list name, list password, check the following two check boxes, and in the bottom text box enter any recipients you currently have.
How do users subscribe/unsubscribe from the list?
Check the box "Allow User Subscriptions to List" & "Allow Unsubscribed Posting to List" under List Management. Both options will allow users to subscribe and unsubscribe themselves from the list by sending mail to with the words "subscribe listname" or "unsubscribe listname" in the body. (listname is the name assigned to the mailing list when it is created).
Can I edit my Configuration File?
Yes, login via telnet.
Type the following command:
pico /usr/local/majordomo/
How do I send mail to the list?
Just send the email you want to be distributed to the list. I.e.(
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