Table of Contents
What are Shells
Executing Utilities
Using Wild Cards
Input, Output, and Redirection
The "man" Utility
UNIX and Webmasters
Logging In and Out
Resetting Your Password
The UNIX File System
Relative versus Absolute Pathnames
The "pwd" Utility
The "cd" Utility
The "ls" Utility (And Hidden Files)
The Password File
The Group File
Who Are you and Who else is here?
Undersrtanding the Permission Bits
The "chmod" Utility
The "chown" Utility
The "chgrp" Utility
Reading a File
Creating a File
Copying Files
Moving or Renaming Files
Deleting Files
Creating Directories
Deleting Directories
Moving and Renaming Directories
The "grep" Utility
The "find" Utility
The "sort" Utility
The "diff" Utility
The "comm" Utility
The "uniq" Utility
The "spell" Utility
The "wc" Utility
The "cut" Utility
The "paste" Utility
Time and Date
Managing Processes
Manipulating your Environment
Compression and Archiving